Mayor Davis’ Murphy Connection Paying off

When Jimmy Davis was elected the Mayor of Bayonne his critics called him naïve and politically inexperienced.  They said that other politicos would eat him alive.  Well it looks like Mayor Davis is the one who is eating a nice steak dinner. (Or maybe corn beef!)  It has been announced that the Bayonne Board of Education will be receiving over $2 million in additional State Aid this year. It was Mayor Davis who was one of the first supporters of Phil Murphy in his quest to become Governor.  Davis offered his support long before Murphy became the clear favorite in the race.  Bravo Mayor Davis, your political instincts were spot on.  Not bad for a rookie.

Mayor Davis has now given the School Board the financial means to settle the overdue teachers contract without hurting the local taxpayers.  Hopefully the School Board does not play politics and they settle the teacher’s contract now and not wait until after the election.  Several of the Board members are aligned with one of the Mayor’s opponents (Jason O’Donnell) so it would not be a surprise if they stall negations with the teachers.  This blogger calls on the School Board to put politics aside and settle a fair contract with the teachers.  Mayor Davis has delivered the funding to the Board, now they must use this increased funding wisely.  If any Board member places politics over our teachers and our children, then they should resign in shame.

When you see Mayor Davis marching during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, give him an extra loud cheer because he has delivered for us yet again in a big way.


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