Becoming Dissapointed

A little more than a month away from our local elections and unfortunately negative ads are already beginning.  Distorted lies about development and PILOTs are appearing on cable TV ads and social media ads.  If you are running for office and you are opposed to PILOTs, fine, say so.  But also be honest and tell people you also want much less development.  No PILOTs = no development.

It was hoped that this election would be based on ideas.  Tell us what you will do, but tell us honestly.  Don’t say one thing to one audience and another thing to a different audience.  What do you stand for?  How will you accomplish your goals.  The painting of Mayor Davis as an evil puppet master is false and will not work.  If you disagree with Mayor Davis’ policies, say so.  Say why.  Say how you will change it.  Frankly, untrue attacks smack of being desperate.

It is asked that all candidates put on their big boy/girl pants, and campaign with integrity and honesty.  Mayor Davis please stay positive, list your many accomplishments and don’t fall for the attempt by your opponents to lure you into losing your integrity and base your campaign on false attacks.  Bayonne voters deserve an election based on ideas and policies, not lies and falsehoods.


A concerned voter