Mock Debate

Normally this is the time of year when everyone puts together their mock NFL draft.  Well not here in Bayonne, or at least not on this site.  Here we are doing a mock mayoral debate.  (This is version I)  Its the best informed guesses as to debate questions and responses.  Here goes:

Moderator – Mayor Davis, why did it take nearly four years to announce Costco coming to Bayonne, a real ferry service coming to Bayonne, and 2,700 jobs coming to Bayonne at the old Military Ocean Terminal?

Mayor Davis – I know this is not a good excuse but I was busy with 26 major development transactions, I was busy with clearing up the lawsuits at the old MOT, I was busy with bringing new businesses to Broadway, I was busy with introducing new art and music programs in the City, I was busy reducing our recurring budget hole by millions of dollars, I was busy with restoring the glories of Christmas past to Broadway, I was busy with redoing our parks, I was busy with having plans for a Hilton hotel approved, I was busy with seeking greener and more efficient mass transit in and out of Bayonne, I was busy with restoring pride back to our Municipal workforce, and I was busy with having our bond rating upgraded.  But you have to admit, I’m ending my first term with a bang!

Moderator – Gentlemen, any comments?

Dr. Brown – Was that a mike drop?

Mr. O’Donnell – Don’t ask me for details but I would have done better.

Moderator – How?

Mr. O’Donnell – If I answer that then I would be giving details and I said no details.

Moderator – Mr. O’Donnell, what is your opinion of PILOT’s? (Payment in Lieu of Tax Agreements)

Mr. O’Donnell – I support smart PILOT’s at smart locations, not dumb PILOT’s at dumb places.

Moderator – Dr. Brown?

Dr. Brown – I would need time to study the issue but if no PILOT’s equals no development then I suppose a smart PILOT is a smart thing.

Moderator – Any comments Mayor?

Mayor Davis – I agree that smart PILOT’s are a smart thing, so Dr. Brown is correct.  The PILOT’s that the forward thinking Municipal Council has passed is causing smart development that will bring in $510,000,000 in tax revenue versus $51,000,000 that we would have received in tax revenue without the PILOT’s.  That’s right ten times more money – an additional $459 million.

Dr. Brown – There’s another mike drop!

Mayor Davis – Thanks, now what’s Mr. O’Donnell’s plan?

Mr. O’Donnell – A plan needs details and I told you  – no details!

Moderator – Please Mayor, Mr. O’Donnell did say no details.

Mayor Davis – I apologize, my fault for thinking that a candidate for mayor would have a plan.

Mr. O’Donnell – Apology accepted.

Moderator – Mr. Mayor, what do you wish to achieve with another four years?

Mayor Davis – Well my goals are to achieve high rise developments at the old MOT, continue bringing in new businesses to Broadway, continue renovating our parks, continue bringing new jobs to Bayonne, and continue to improve the daily lives of our residents.  Basically continue on with what we have accomplished in our first four years.  Working with my friends Governor Murphy, Senator Menendez, and Senator Booker, the next four years will be glorious.

Mr. O’Donnell – Hey I can drop names too, Pete Cresci, Peter Franco and other important people like them.

Dr. Brown – I have a lot of patients so I know people too.

Moderator – Mr. O’Donnell, what are your goals if elected?

Mr. O’Donnell – A lot of good things.

Moderator –  Like?

Mr. O’Donnell – Once again, no details.

Moderator – Dr. Brown

Dr. Brown – Quality medical care for those who can afford me.

Moderator – Mayor Davis, I see that you have added a police presence to every school.  How has this been accomplished?

Mayor Davis – I sat down with school officials, our Public Safety Director, our Police Chief, and our County Executive and came up with a plan to ensure that our schools are safe by having a police presence in every school.  By efficiently deploying our police force and making use of the County’s Sheriff Office we were able to enhance school security without unduly burdening our taxpayers.  I do need to say thank you to County Executive Tom DeGise for the deployment of Sheriff personnel in our schools.  That’s why I always try to work with people both from Bayonne and from outside of Bayonne, I promise that for the betterment of the City I love, Bayonne, I will leave no stone left un-turned.  The County Executive is from Jersey City but he delivered for us, so again – thank you Tom.

Mr. O’Donnell – I want police in every school too.  It’s my idea.

Moderator – But the Mayor has already implemented police in every school.

Mr. O’Donnell – Yes, but it’s my plan.

Dr. Brown – Isn’t a plan details?

Mr. O’Donnell – Darn, I messed upped.

Dr. Brown – That’s O’K.  Just remember, I have patients, you need patience.

Mayor Davis – Good one Doc!

Moderator – O’K, O’K.  Now give a closing statement using ten words or less.

Mayor Davis – Building success on top of success, I love Bayonne.

Mr. O’Donnell – I have details, I just won’t tell you.

Dr. Brown – If you are feeling sick, call me.

Moderator – Thank you to all three candidates.  I think the choice is clear.


Bayonne Real Debate Club