Mock Debate II

This mock debate is a follow-up to the mock debate previously posted on this site.

Moderator: Name a public figure past or present who you admire and why?

Mayor Davis: Abraham Lincoln because he demonstrated courage and leadership during the most difficult time in our nation’s history while remaining true to his core values.

Dr. Brown: Albert Einstein, one smart dude.

Jason O’Donnell: I’ll go with Harry Potter, he’s so magical.

Mayor Davis: Harry Potter is not a public figure, he’s not even real.

Jason O’Donnell: He’s as real as your Costco!

Mayor Davis:  Too bad you didn’t come to the ground breaking ceremony this week.  They will be open this summer.

Dr. Brown: I like Costco.

Jason O’Donnell: Well I like Harry Potter.

Moderator: O’K let’s move on.  Besides the bible, what is your favorite book?

Mayor Davis: “The Founding Fathers”, I always enjoy reading about leaders succeeding while under fire.

Jason O’Donnell: Any Harry Potter novel.  He’s so magical.

Dr. Brown: Really?  Give me Green Eggs and Ham anytime.

Moderator: Wow.  O’K next question.  If you are successful on election night, name your number one goal for the next four years?

Dr. Brown:  Reduce our police and fire departments so we have more money for other things.

Jason O’Donnell:  Bad answer.  My number one goal is undo the development that Mayor Davis has brought in.  Just say no to the ferry, no to Costco, no to Home Goods, no to new luxury residential buildings, no to improved parks, no to Barnabas and no to 2700 new jobs.

Mayor Davis: First off Jason I give you credit for finally telling the truth as to what you want to accomplish.

Jason O’Donnell: Thank you!

Mayor Davis: My goal is simple, to continue to spend every day I have in office working to improve the daily lives of all our residents while also working to improve our long-term future by continuing the renaissance that the City is currently undergoing.

Dr. Brown: Hey that’s a pretty good goal!

Jason O’Donnell: Just say no.

Mayor Davis: I say let’s say no to those who want this town to fail for their own political gain.

Dr. Brown: Just say no to drugs unless I prescribe them.

Moderator:  Next question, how do propose to shrink the City’s budget hole?

Dr. Brown: Layoff police and firemen.

Jason O’Donnell:  Find some one time revenues and kick the can down the road.

Mayor Davis: Continue to make the hard but necessary decisions of bringing in long-term recurring revenues on projects that make Bayonne better for the City as a whole.  If it means that I have to take heat from critics who either don’t understand good business deals, or pretend that they don’t so be it.

Moderator:  Last question for this round, do you want your number one advisor to be tough and challenge your decisions, or a yes man?

Jason O’Donnell: Neither. I want someone magical like Harry Potter.

Dr. Brown: I want a team player so give me a yes man.

Mayor Davis: Give me someone to challenge every idea and opinion that I have.  Yes men don’t belong on my team.

Moderator: Well that concludes this debate.  I must admit that this debate and the prior debate is making the decision as to who to vote for much easier.  Mayor Davis you must be a happy man right now.

Mayor Davis:  Thank you and I am.

Jason O’Donnell: Be careful, I carry a mean wand.

Dr. Brown: Ha, that’s wanderful!

Moderator: Indeed.