Mayor’s State of the City Address

The Mayor gave his State of the City Address today and the reviews are in … WOW!  From start to finish the Mayor gave a litany of the accomplishments achieved during his first four years.  It was a long list.  New development, new jobs, new ferry, new stores, new revenues, cutting the budget hole, music, art, restoring our pride, and fixing our parks.  Yes indeed he has improved the State of Bayonne!

The mayor’s delivery of the speech was pitch perfect.  He was received by the crowd with a standing ovation.  He left with a standing ovation.  Several times he spoke off the cuff and throughout his speech he was fully connected with the audience.  To a packed room he not only spoke of his accomplishments, but also relayed personal stories and clearly showed his love for Bayonne.  Mayor Davis has become a wonderful public speaker.  He now rivals Bayonne icon, Mayor Dennis P. Collins.  Like Collins he speaks from the heart and means what he says.

The Mayor also gave the best explanation ever heard as to why we need to use abatement’s to spur development and close our budget hole.  Check for yourself, here’s the link to the speech:

To the Mayor I say thank you for making Bayonne not only better in the present, but also for giving us a future then what we dared dream.