Race for Mayor Begins to Tighten

With the election just two weeks away the race for Mayor has tightened a bit.  Here are the results from the most recent polling data:

Davis – 53%

O’Donnell – 29%

Dr. Brown – 5%

Undecided – 13%

These results mean that Mayor Davis’ lead has shrunk from 27 points to 24 points.  Let’s look at some of the details of the poll results.

Mayor Davis        Jason O’Donnell       Dr. Brown

Favorable            65%                      38%                        14%

Unfavorable        23%                      37%                          8%

No opinion         12%                       25%                        78%

Other polling information:

Do you favor the ferry service that the Mayor is bringing to Bayonne?  Yes – 91%  No – 6%  No Opinion – 3%

Do you favor all the park renovations completed by the Mayor?  Yes – 88%  No – 7%  No Opinion – 5%

Do you favor the 2700 jobs the Mayor is bringing to Bayonne?  Yes 92%  No – 1%  No Opinion – 7%

What is your reaction to the fact that the Mayor’s tax abatement’s will bring in new revenues of $516 million versus the $51 million the City will receive with the properties as is?   Wow – 58%  Knew that – 20%  You mean the O’Donnell people are lying – 22%

Is the Davis campaign running on its accomplishments?  Yes – 67%  No – 12%  Don’t Know – 21%

Is the O’Donnell campaign running on ideas or mud-slinging?  Ideas – 17%  Mud-slinging – 59%  Don’t Know – 24%

Is Bayonne better off now or four years ago?  Now – 71%  Four-years Ago – 21%  Don’t Know – 8%

In a crisis who do you trust more?  Davis – 64%  O’Donnell – 29%  Brown – 7%

You can analyze the results for yourself but the conclusion is clear,  Mayor Davis is the clear front-runner, as long as his supporters come out and vote on election day.


Galloping Polls