Will the Lying Ever Stop?

Lie # 1 – Mayor Davis has imposed a $50.00 fee to park in your own driveway.

Fact – Mayor Davis VETOED legislation that would have imposed the $50.00 fee.  Yes, Mayor Davis vetoed that action.

Lie # 2 – Mayor Davis wants to use eminent domain on the Starting Point.

Fact – Mayor Davis has done no such thing.  It was the Smith/O’Donnell administration that took the first steps to start eminent domain.  The Mayor has in fact blocked that action and allowed the Starting Point to have the freedom of choice in determining their own destiny.

Lie # 3 – The Mayor’s lack of leadership on the Mosque has cost us $400,000.

Fact – Davis’ leadership has saved us millions.  Legally the Mayor cannot tell or influence the Zoning Board in their decision-making process.  To do so would cost the taxpayers millions.  The Mayor could have done the easy thing and let the matter wind through the courts for a year and it would have cost the taxpayers millions.  Instead he stepped up to the plate, made a decision to authorize the City’s insurance carrier to settle for $400,000.  Just before the election our Mayor stood up and did the right thing for the taxpayers and took the political heat.

Lie # 4 – Tax Abatements (tax agreements, PILOTs) don’t pay any taxes.

Fact – Tax abatements do pay taxes, and a lot of it.  During the life of the tax abatements the affected properties will pay $516 million.  Without the tax abatements, these properties would have paid $51 million.  This represents a ten-fold increase.  Bravo Mayor!

Lie # 5 – The 2700 jobs coming through the Lincoln Equities project are low paying jobs.

Fact – These jobs are union jobs and are the type of jobs that support families.  Working class folks deserve jobs too and Mayor Davis is delivering.

Lie # 6 – Broadway is dying.

Fact –  Let’s talk about Broadway’s death over lunch at Perk-Up Café, or Bake and Brew, or the Bayonne Lunch Box; or maybe while having a pretzel at Philly Pretzel Factory; or maybe while having a drink at Shortys or the Refinery; or maybe while picking up a book at BOHO book shop; or maybe while getting a x-ray at Barnabas; or maybe while apartment hunting at the Bayonne Flats; or maybe while watching the construction of a ten-story high-rise at the old Resnicks; or maybe – well you get the point.

The above are just some of the lies that the Mayor’s political opponents are pushing, and pushing, and pushing.  It’s a page out of WW II Germany, tell the big lie often enough and you can get people to believe it.  Well this is Bayonne and our voters are too smart to fall for that pathetic, desperate trick.  Instead of running a campaign based on their ideas for the future, they went low, very low, and have done nothing but attack ads based on lies against Mayor Davis.

On May 8th show the propagators’ of lies that in Bayonne we want to move forward and not fall backwards.  On May 8th show the purveyors of misinformation that in Bayonne we base our vote on fact and not on falsehoods.  On May 8th show the salesmen of filth that in Bayonne we want vision, not blinders.

Finally, remember on May 8th that Mayor Davis has brought redevelopment to town, has brought a host of popular events to town, has restored the Christmas spirit to Broadway, is bringing a ferry to town, is bringing 2700 jobs to town, and has brought integrity and vision to the Office of Mayor.  Vote for Mayor James Davis.