O’Donnell Team Reaching New Lows

Desperation must be running rampant in the O’Donnell camp.  Here’s a few examples:

  • Placing phony parking tickets on resident’s cars.  Using scare tactics on our Bayonne people – shame!
  • Claiming that there will be a 9% property tax increase.  Such an increase would be illegal, just more scare tactics.
  • Attacking the newly installed bronze statues and utility box art – what, Bayonne residents don’t deserve nice things?
  • Dumping garbage on sidewalks and streets to create an impression that Bayonne is dirty.  Really, dumping garbage around town, and they claim they want to clean things up.  What a joke!
  • Published a rag newspaper filled with lies, smut, and trash.  Well I guess that paper gives everyone a good idea about how the O’Donnell team thinks and shows how little respect they have for the public.
  • Constant placement on TV and social media of ads  that are shadowy and untrue.  Can’t they just say what they are for and let the public make an informed decision on election day.  Also, Jason O’Donnell has said that he is proud of his campaign – really?

I guess it should not be a surprised that when a campaign has no ideas to run on, it creates  lies and untruths to tear down the opponent.  What a shame.  Why run if you have no vision or ideas to move the city forward.  Maybe its just a power play to get control to benefit their contributors?  Or as Dr. Mitchell Brown would say – they just want to take care of their cronies.

Don’t let them fool you, vote for progress (Davis) and not take ten steps backwards.


Tired of the dirty campaign