Bayonne Talks Endorses the Davis Team

With the Municipal election coming up this Tuesday, May 8th, its time to make our endorsements for Mayor and City Council.

For Mayor we believe the choice to be clear – Jimmy Davis.  The simple question is whether or not Bayonne is better off today than four years ago.  The answer is clear – yes!  The city’s structural deficit has shrunk by $7 million.  New developments are going up all over the City, and it is imperative that this development continues.  Ferry service, 2700 jobs, PILOT agreements that will net the City $516 million are set to kick in during the next 6 – 18 months.  The Mayor has also paid attention to the quality of life in town; festivals, art, music, and ethnic events have improved the lives of our current residents while simultaneously making Bayonne more attractive for new residents to join our community.  Improvements to Broadway and to the City parks positively affect both adults and children.  The Mayor has accomplished much in his first term and is well deserving of a second term to continue his already impressive progress.

As for the Mayor’s opponents, Jason O’Donnell has shown that he is more than capable of running a negative campaign, but has put little effort in demonstrating any true plans to achieve his unstated vision for the City.  The amount of funds that he has received from out-of-town sources is quite disconcerting.  Dr. Brown has waged a limited campaign and that effort will be rewarded with a third place finish.

This blog endorses the entire Davis slate.  As a group they have demonstrated toughness and courage to make the hard votes for progress, even when not politically expedient.  They have provided a high level of constituent services and a commitment to improve the lives of our residents.  It is hard to support the O’Donnell team when they have quietly gone along with the most negative campaign in memory.

So we urge you to vote Jimmy Davis for Mayor and re-elect his entire council slate.  This blog believes that we are better off then four years ago and the Davis team is the best assurance that Bayonne will do even better for the next four years.


Entire staff of Bayonne Talks